Oof, If you’re reading this, I’m dead. I got done in, see? I got… GOT! (imagine that sad, emoji thing that you kids use so much) Anywhoo… in the center of my mansion is a vault where you’ll find treasure worth a friggin’ fortune! We’re talking a whole big bunch of smackers, see? Riches, that is! The vault combination is written in my notebook, but them ghosties, goblins, and oogie boogie fellers scattered the pages all over the house. Yes, I said “pages.” It’s a long password. I was going through a phase. Don’t judge! Anywhoo… Oof, muster all your courage! Brave the baddies that have invaded my poor, humble mansion. Find those scattered pages. Get in there and get that fortune! But hurry, Oof! Them cantankerous critters are hard at work stealing it all for themselves. So the longer you take, the less $$$ you’ll have. Go, Oof! Go!!! But most importantly Don’t Get GOT!!! Resting in peace (I hope) Your Dear Old Uncle Crodie