I’ll use this page to post any relevant info and answer questions that have come up, and will update as needed to include any new info/questions.

What is Oof McBrewster’s Haunted House Adventure?
Oof McBrewster’s Haunted House Adventure is a homebrew game developed for the classic Nintendo Entertainment System.

Is it only playable on the NES console?
At this time, it’s only available via physical cartridge – for play on the actual console – and as a digital rom file which can be played on other platforms via a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator, such as Mesen.

Does it work on all Nintendo Consoles?
The game has been tested and confirmed to work properly on NTSC original hardware released in North America, both the original Front Loading system, as well as the Top Loading system. It has also been tested to work on the AVS by RetroUSB. However, I cannot guarantee it will work on original consoles in other regions, or clone systems that use software emulation.

What type of game is it?
I think it’s best described as part of the “maze” genre of games (such as Pac-Man) where you navigate maze like levels avoiding enemies while collecting keys, treasure, and notebook pages to proceed to the next level.

How long does it take to finish?
No absolute answer for that one. It’s not a long game, but like many classic games, part of the longevity comes from trying to master all the levels to reach the end. The time it takes to do that, however, is entirely up to the skill level of the player. Once mastered, a run can be finished in 25 -40 minutes, depending on the path taken and amount of treasure gathered. This length seemed perfect to encourage multiple runs, aiming for “high score,” or “fastest finish,” etc.

Does it have that legendary “old school” difficulty?
No. Most of the game’s design came from making it playable by kids who are used to the more forgiving games of today. I didn’t want them to be frustrated and quit, so I tried to find a nice balance of being not too difficult, but not a pushover. The goal was to create something most people could finish, which would allow for the previously mentioned score runs. So, hopefully, no one will find it to be a “Castlevania” level of hard.

What tools were used to make the game?
Notepad, MS Word, MS Paint, NES Maker, Famitracker, Mesen, Piskel, Beagle Brothers 6502 Instructions

What emulators work with the rom?
The game has been tested and confirmed to work properly on Mesen. I cannot guarantee 100% compatibility on other emulators. Once other emulators are confirmed, I’ll update this site to include them as well.

Does the game work on any clone systems?
The game has been tested and confirmed to work on original NES consoles as well as the AVS by RetroUSB. I cannot guarantee that it’ll work on other close consoles. Once other consoles are confirmed, I’ll update this site to include any compatible systems.

How can I get a better idea of whether or not I’ll like it?
The videos and demo posted here may help. I’ll update the site with additional info as it’s available.

Did you use donor carts for this?
No donor parts were used during any part of this. All shells, boards, and printing were new and, to the best of my knowledge, created in the USA. I’m not sure where the sleeves were manufactured, but they were purchased from a domestic seller as well.

Which Emulator should I use to play the rom file?
In theory, any emulator that supports Mapper 30 (UNROM 512) should work properly. The following emulators have been tested and verified for compatibility. I will update this list as new emulators are tested.

For PC:

For Android (all available on Google Play Store)
– NES.emu (by Robert Broglia)
– RetroArch with core named NES / Famimcom (Mesen) — license GPLv3
– Retro Nes Emulator
– Super NES : )
– NESDroid
– SuperNostalgia